January has gone and at least one of my new year's resolutions I'm fulfilling: My 52 weeks project ^_^
No, I haven't stop biting my nails (I'm really trying to, but it is really hard since my nails are with me all the time and unconsciously they are on my mouth 0_o). I'm studying quite more, but not enough for my goals. Stop being sedentary and Eat healthier... let's change the subject, please??? LOOOL
Janeiro já se foi e pelo menos uma das minhas resoluções de ano novo está sendo cumprida: meu projeto 52 semanas ^_^
Não, eu não parei de roer as unhas (eu realmente estou tentando, mas é muuuito difícil já que elas estão comigo o tempo todo e inconscientemente vão parar na minha boca 0_o). Estou estudando bem mais, mas não o suficiente para os meus objetivos. Parar de ser sedentária e comer melhor... vamos mudar de assunto, por favor??? Hahaha
love the pictures! pretty colors!
ResponderExcluirHi Andrea! Just discover your blog, and it's lovely :) i like the se pictures and style. I'm going to follow you, hope see you in my new new blog. Beijos e abraços de Italia !
ResponderExcluirAh! 52 weeks project. I was going to start it too, but January was kinda hard and stresfull, so I didn't have time for that. Now I can't see any point in starting it when I already lost a month. But I'm still thinking about it, though.
ResponderExcluirI know it's hard to stop doing something that became our habit or obsession. However I hope you'll stop biting your nails. I stopped swearing and I'm really proud of it, ha! :) Don't give up on your new year's resolutions. Everything needs time, we can't change anything in a second. I had to forget about some of my goals because of exams, but now I can finnaly think about them and treat them more serious. The only problem is my laziness :D
Love the pictures. Never thought I'd be so girly that I could say I like pink, but... I like it here! :)
Take care!
Eu amo o sapato da primeira foto!! =D
ResponderExcluirEi, meu óculos ficou verde no windows..kkkk bjus!!!
que fotos liiindas *0*
ResponderExcluirJá disse que sou apaixonada pelas suas fotos? E me fez desejar MAIS AINDA uma 50mm f/1.4!
ResponderExcluirQue idéia super legal! As polaroids vão ficar muito fofas com os lacinhos! xD
ResponderExcluirMuito lindas as fotos! A que mais gostei foi a do canto direito de cima! o/
Já estou de volta em Brasília sim! ^^
Curtindo os dias de frio e de calor ao mesmo tempo! Hhiauhoaiuh :P
Entrei hoje pela primeira vez! Adorei o seu blog!! E em relação a roer as unhas, uma dica: sempre que puder, estar cortando as unhas (e/ou lixando) assim não tem o que você roer
ResponderExcluirAdorei seu blog, muito fofo :33
ResponderExcluirVisitarei mais vezes!
aah, this "collage" is just beautiful. I love the colours and the shoes? OH GOD. they are so beautiful. I used to bite my nails to, it was good when I was nervous or stressed. I tried so many times to stop it, but just couldn´t. For so many years. But you can do it, I believe it, because I managed to :)